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Apna Khata Rajasthan E-Dharti-Land Records

Today we have brought information about Apna Khata Rajasthan. We will tell you how you can see the map of Rajasthan farm sitting at home online. Rajasthan is a very big state. The Rajasthan government has made the facility of viewing Jamabandi Khasra online so that the people of Rajasthan can see their land records online while sitting at home. If you are a resident of Rajasthan, then you want to see the information of your Bhulekh (bhulekh rajasthan), then you stay connected with us.

For nationwide implementation, two centrally sponsored schemes – Ministry of Rural Development and Department of Land Resources Development (DOLR). The DIALMP program was launched by combining computerization of (CLR) and strengthening of revenue administration and updating of land records (SRA & ULR). The main objective of DILRMP is to develop a modern, comprehensive and transparent land records management system in the country with the objective of implementing decisive land-title system with title guarantee.

Apna Khata Rajasthan


Brief Information:

We will give you complete information of the map of Rajasthan farm. If you are a resident of Rajasthan, if you want to see the information of your Bhulekh, then you stay connected with us. We will give you complete information of the Rajasthan farm map (apna khata rajasthan). Complete information about the farm has been made online to make the people of Rajasthan digital. Rajasthan Bhulekh Khasra online will save you time. You can check your land information online through the help of Rajasthan Apna Khata.

Rajasthan will become digital by having their account online Rajasthan Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni Jamabandi (bhulekh rajasthan) Being online will reduce black marketing, people will not have to take rounds of eating patwar. 

Also Read: Apna Khata Rajasthan – राजस्थान अपना खाता, खसरा खतौनी, ऑनलाइन जमाबंदी नकल प्राप्त करे

  • Now follow the steps given below.
  • In this way, you can see the information about your account Bhulekh Jamabandi field online.
  • Friends, to see your account Jamabandi online (Apna Khata Rajasthan),
  • After visiting this site, you will see one of these types.
  • After this, select your district.
  • Then select your tehsil.
  • Now click on the name of your village.
  • After that, you choose your name Khasra number.
  • Then click on Get Copy.
Apna Khata Rajasthan

Benefits of the Scheme:

The main objective of this online facility named “Apna Khata Rajasthan” is to provide all the details of the online land to the people. Through your website, people will no longer have much trouble and will not have to go to Patwar Kheen. Through this, people will now be able to do all the work online. People can see all the records of land by entering their account number in Rajasthan Apna Khata website . In this article you will tell how you can name the land related online facilities in Rajasthan from your account portal.

And now you all must be thinking that what’s the benefit of this scheme?

  • Rajasthan Apna account will be able to view land records online.
  • People will be able to take all the details of the land ( Jamabandi copy, Khasra map, Khatauni, Girdawari report ) by entering their account number from Rajasthan Apna Khata.
  • Rajasthan will save time with your account
  • People of every district of the state can avail this facility from anywhere.
Apna Khata Rajasthan

How to see Jamabandi khata?

  • Friends, first you have to click ( on this website to get your account online in Rajasthan.
  • First select your district by clicking on the “Select District” link or click on the name of your district in the given map.
  • Now a new page will open in which you will be asked to choose the tehsil.
  • After clicking on the name of Tehsil, the page will load (wait till the page opens completely)
  • Now a new page will open in which you will have to choose the name of your village
  • Now go to the information section of the applicant and fill all the information sought correctly.

Go to the “Options section to issue a copy” below and select the option. Here you have to tell what you want to give the necessary information to get the Jamabandi copy. You want to give the account number, you want to give the Khasra number, you want to get the information by name or from USN / GRN. Whatever option you choose, you will see options on the right So, in the photo above, you can see that now the account option is selected, then according to that options like account number etc. are shown. After filling all the information correctly, you will be able to see the Jamabandi copy on the online screen and can also download the PDF.

Apna Khata Rajasthan

Rajasthan Land Map:

Lets know how to view the measles map in Rajasthan, the geo map online. Let me tell you that you cannot see your account on the portal. Read the following information correctly to see:

  • First of all visit the Rajasthan Land Map Portal (
  • Enter all the information requested correctly.
  • Finally, by clicking on your measles number, you can view the map online or download it.
  • To download, save the PDF file by clicking on print.

Also Read: उत्तर प्रदेश भूलेख खतौनी खसरा – UP Bhulekh Khasra Khatauni Jamabandi in Hindi

How to see your crop report?

  • To view the latest crop report Girdawari, go to the official portal first.
  • After opening the page, you can click according to your need in the given option and get the information. You will get district-wise Girdawari report from this.
Apna Khata Rajasthan

Why it is so important to keep Rajasthan’s Land Records?

  1. To check status of Mutation.
  2. For verification of land title during sale/ purchase of land.
  3. For bank account opening.
  4. To raise farm credit / loan from Bank.
  5. Required in court in case of legal cases.
  6. For division of land.
  7. Personal purposes.

Length Conversion Table and Area Conversion Table for all land measurement units used in India. For eg. you can find conversion factors for all land area units used in Rajasthan – Bigha, Biswa, Biswansi, Acre, Square Meter, Square Yard, Square Feet etc So, Use this land area converter to convert from one area unit to another. Covers all land area units used in India including all units used in Rajasthan such as Bigha, Biswa, Biswansi, Acre, Square Meter, Square Yard, Square Feet etc. A glossary of terms used in Indian Land & Revenue Records that will help you in understanding your Rajasthan land records. Detailed tutorials on land record systems of all states in India.

Also Read: Ayushman Bharat Yojana (PMJAY) Eligibility, Registration, Login Apply


  1. ApnaKhata Rajasthan Land Records (ROR/ Jamabandi Nakal) are made available online only for information purposes. However, an authorized copy of ROR (Nakal) can be obtained from one of the Rajasthan Government kiosks as mentioned on the website.
  2. Land Records and some related services may not be available for few locations. Rajasthan Government is working towards providing all Land Records services online.
Apna Khata Rajasthan


Rajasthan What is your account or e-Earth?

Ans:- The Rajasthan government has introduced online land record viewing facility. Through this, you can see the details of the land online. It is also called Rajasthan Apna Khata or e-Earth Portal.

How can residents of Rajasthan remove online Jamabandi?

Ans:- To remove online Jamabandi records, you can go to your account portal by entering a Khata or Khasra number or a new Jamabandi report can be extracted by name.

Is land map or land map viewing facility also available?

Ans:- Yes, for this the Rajasthan government has arranged a land map portal.

Some other informations:

If a person buys land from whom so through this website you can find out so you can get a loan on that land or not. Because you can get a loan from any bank on the basis of ground papers. And you can also get crop insurance. Common people will not have to face much trouble after starting their account website and people will not have to cut the rounds of Patwar khana because now everyone will do all the work sitting at home through online.

People can get all the information about their land by putting “Apna Khata” number in their account website So in this, people can view their farm deposits, measles number or land map online because it has given all the details of the land so, you can also find out. Which account numbers are in the name of which person. Who owns which land? Or whether the land is in that owner name So, ApnaKhata is the online Land Record software system developed by Rajaswa Vibhag (Revenue Department) of Rajasthan in association with National Informatics Centre (NIC), to provide Records of Rights (Nakal) of Land Records of Rajasthan state online. 

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