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Amma Vodi Scheme, 10 लाख माताओं और छात्रों को मिलेगा सीधा लाभ, जानिए कैसे!

Amma Vodi Scheme, With the serious goal of drastically lowering the school dropout rate, the Andhra Pradesh State Government introduced the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme on January 9, 2020, as a flagship educational welfare program. Compared to the national average of 99.21 in 2018, Andhra Pradesh Primary Education’s Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) was as low as 84.48. Of the 29 Indian states at the time, Andhra Pradesh had the lowest ranking. Mothers have taken on the burden of routinely sending their children to school since the Jagananna Amma Vodi plan now requires 75% attendance in order to get benefits.

Over the past four years, the GER in the State of Andhra Pradesh has increased dramatically, rising from 84.48 to 100.8. The government has made the decision to enhance the GER even more and to support students’ continued education. Recipients of the Jagananna Amma Vodi award are those who were readmitted to schools and institutions after failing their intermediate and tenth grades.

By giving them financial support, the program seeks to persuade mothers of school-age children in Classes 1 through 12 to send their kids to school. Program-eligible mothers receive ₹15,000 per year, directly put into their bank accounts. The program bears the name of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy. It is one of the numerous Navaratnalu (nine pearls) programs that the state government has put in place to help the underprivileged and disenfranchised.

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Children currently attending the following schools may apply under this program:

  • Government Schools
  • Private Unaided Schools
  • Private Aided Schools
  • Residential Schools, etc.

Additionally, the number of children that can apply is unlimited.

The excellent educational welfare program known as the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme has had a significant impact on Andhra Pradesh’s educational system. The program has improved learning outcomes, decreased dropout rates, and increased school attendance rates. By granting them financial authority and decision-making authority over their children’s education, it has also empowered women.

Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme – Objectives

Raising school attendance and lowering dropout rates are the main goals of the Jagananna Amma Vodi program. By giving women financial support to cover their children’s school costs, the program also seeks to raise the standard of education.

The Jagananna Amma Vodi plan aims to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Boost school enrollment, particularly for girls and kids from underprivileged families.
  • Lower dropout rates and guarantee that kids finish their education.
  • By giving moms financial support to cover their children’s educational expenses, we can raise the standard of education.
  • Give moms more authority and involve them as active participants in their kids’ education.
  • Lessen the financial strain on families and lower the cost of schooling.
  • Encourage gender and socioeconomic equality.

Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme – Benefits

Every participating mother in the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme receives ₹15,000 in financial aid each year, which is directly deposited into her bank account. Tuition, books, uniforms, and other educational costs, such as transportation, can all be covered with this amount.

  • Each year till their child graduates from Class 12, eligible mothers or guardians will receive ₹15,000. This money will be sent directly into their savings accounts at a nationalized bank or post office in January.

Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme – Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify for the Andhra Pradesh scholarship program, one needs to fulfil the following requirements:

  • The mother or guardian needs to live in the state of Andhra Pradesh permanently.
  • Students in Andhra Pradesh must be enrolled in authorized government, private-aided or private-unaided schools, junior colleges, or residential schools and junior colleges in order to study in Classes 1 through 12.
  • The child’s mother or guardian must come from a family that is below the poverty line.
  • White ration cards are intended for BPL families, and the applicants’ homes must have these.
  • Under the BPL categories, applicants’ family income must be less than ₹10,000 per month in rural regions and ₹12,000 per month in urban areas.
  • The beneficiary, mother, or guardian must possess a valid voter ID or an Aadhaar card.
  • No member of the applicant’s family should be an employee or retiree of the government. This condition does not apply to applicants who are members of the families of sanitary workers.
Amma Vodi Scheme
  • The applicant’s family shouldn’t own a four-wheel drive vehicle. Four-wheelers do not include cars, tractors, or taxis.
  • The applicant’s family housing unit, whether owned or rented, should have an average monthly power usage of less than 300 units.
  • The municipal area should not exceed 1,000 square feet of land.
  • The candidate should not have any family members who pay income taxes.
  • The youngster should be present at least 75% of the time.

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The Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme also offers eligibility to children who fall under the following categories:

  • Children of Single Mothers
  • Children of Unmarried Mothers
  • Children of Widows
  • Children of Divorced Mothers
  • Children of Destitute Mothers
  • Children of Mothers as a Victims of Domestic Violence
  • Children of Mothers Suffering from Chronic Diseases
  • Children of Illiterate Mothers


  • Students who resign or drop out of school in the midst of the year will not be eligible for the program’s advantages.
  • Under the Jagananna Vidya Deevena and Jagananna Vasathi Deevena schemes, Class 10 students who choose to enrol in IIT, Polytechnic, or IIIT (Indian Institute of Information Technology) and other courses are eligible. They will not, however, be regarded as qualified for the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme.

Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme – How to Apply? (Offline)

The Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme application process is done offline. Applicants or their moms must pick up the application form at the closest government office in order to get benefits under the program. The application procedure is described in detail below.

  • With the assistance of the inter-college principal or the headmaster of the school, eligible moms and guardians can apply offline under the program.
  • The student’s information will be submitted by the intercollegiate principal or school headmaster. The following information will be the only source used to support the financial aid release.
  • Name of the Applicant
  • Age of the Applicant
  • Name of the Parent
  • Disability Status of the Applicants (if applicable)
  • Castes (General, SC, ST, BCs, Minority)
  • The information will be compared to other government records, including data on civil supplies and child information/UDISE. The details for payment will be certified by the institution’s immediate inspecting officer.
Amma Vodi Scheme
  • For the social audit, a preliminary list of qualified applicants will be posted in the village/ward secretariat. A list of ineligible applicants and the reasons for their ineligibility will be generated based on the social audit. The applicants will be notified if their applications are denied.
  • The Welfare Education Assistant/Ward Education and Data Processing Secretary will compile the final list of qualified applicants, which the District Collector will then approve. The volunteers, Welfare Education Assistant, Ward Education, and Data Processing Secretary will use biometrics to complete the mother’s e-KYC.
  • The financial aid will then be transferred online to the recipients’ savings bank accounts by the concerned District Educational Officers, District Vocational Educational Officers, Regional Educational Officers, and Intermediate Education.
  • Through biometric authentication, the moms will affirm receipt of the payment to the volunteers, welfare education assistant, and warden of education and data processing secretary.

How to Search for Child Details for the Amma Vodi Scheme?

  • Parents or applicants should go to Jagananna Amma Vodi’s official website at
  • The link that says “Click Here for Child Details for Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme” should be clicked by them.
  • They must input their Aadhaar number on the new page.
  • Enter the verification number shown in the picture when prompted.
  • Select the section labelled “Get Details.”

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Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme – Documents

The following paperwork must be submitted by moms in order to apply for the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme:

  • Aadhar Card of the Mother and Child
  • White Ration Card
  • Income Certificate of the Mother
  • Proof of Address such as the Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Electricity Bill, etc.
  • Bank Account Details of the Mother/Guardian
  • School Enrollment Certificate of the Child
  • School’s Identity Card
  • Passport-size photo of the Mother of the Applicant


Q. The Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme: What is it?

Ans: Regardless of caste, creed, religion, or geography, the Andhra Pradesh government has announced the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme, which will give financial aid to any mother or legal guardian in her absence who lives in a household below the poverty line so that she can send her child or children in Class 1 through 12.

Q. To what extent does the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme offer financial aid?

Ans: Under the Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme, mothers or beneficiaries of the selected candidates receive ₹15,000 per year to help them send their kids to school.


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