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Aadhar Download Online, Download By Name And Date of Birth, Status

Aadhar Download Online: Aadhar cards can be downloaded effectively by using an Aadhaar number, enrollment id, virtual id, etc. You can also track the cycle of downloading Aadhaar linked to Digilocker in this article below. An Indian occupant needs an Aadhaar to benefit from specific government assistance benefits offered by the Government of India. The collection serves as a proof of address and character of a person. Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique proof number given by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). When a number is given, he/she can follow these various steps to download the How to Aadhar Card Online.

आधार कार्ड, नामांकन आईडी, वर्चुअल आईडी आदि का उपयोग करके आधार कार्ड को प्रभावी ढंग से डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है। आप नीचे इस लेख में डिजिलॉकर से जुड़े आधार को डाउनलोड करने के चक्र को भी ट्रैक कर सकते हैं। भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रदान किए जाने वाले विशिष्ट सरकारी सहायता लाभों से लाभ उठाने के लिए एक भारतीय अधिभोगी को आधार की आवश्यकता होती है। संग्रह किसी व्यक्ति के पते और चरित्र के प्रमाण के रूप में कार्य करता है। आधार भारतीय विशिष्ट पहचान प्राधिकरण (यूआईडीएआई) द्वारा दिया गया एक 12-अंकीय विशिष्ट प्रमाण संख्या है। जब एक नंबर दिया जाता है, तो वह हाउ टू आधार कार्ड ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड करने के लिए इन विभिन्न चरणों का पालन कर सकता है।

Also Read:- Change Address In Aadhar Card


Download for Aadhar Card by Enterprise Name and Date of Birth:

If you do not remember your Aadhaar number or EID, you can download an e-Aadhaar by entering your name and date of birth in any case. Follow these steps to download an Aadhar card:

  • Aadhaar Site go to
  • Enter your full name and your enrolled email id or mobile number and security code
  • Click on the “Send OTP” button
  • Enter the OTP received on your listed portable number and snap on the “Confirm OTP” button
  • A message will appear on the screen saying your Aadhaar number will be shipped from your enrolled versatile number
  • Upon receiving the Aadhaar Enrollment Number on your mobile number, the authority will visit a thee-Aadhaar page on the UIDAI site
  • Enter your 28 digit Enrollment ID, Security Code and snap on “Send OTP”
  • Enter the OTP received on your listed portable number and snap on “Confirm & Download” to download Aadhaar
  • Useful Links:

Steps to Download E-Aadhaar Card by Virtual ID (VID):

Downloading of Aadhaar number through Virtual ID is at the forefront of entry of UIDAI for downloading Aadhaar. Follow the steps given below to download the Aadhar card for free using Virtual ID on the web:

  • Go to UIDAI Online Gateway
  • Click on “Download Aadhaar” entered under “My Aadhaar”
  • Select VID option
  • Enter your Virtual ID, Security Code, and snap-on “Send OTP” to generate OTP
  • E-Aadhaar will be downloaded into your framework
  • You can achieve this by entering the Aadhar card secret word. This is an 8-digit secret word to open a PDF record – the first four letters of your name are too long and “Year of Birth”
Useful Links:
Scholarship 2022, Mobile Number Location Tracker Online, TTYL Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Kruti Dev 010 Typing Test, CSC Registration 2022, My Individual Business.

Download e-Aadhaar Card using Enrollment Number (EID):

If you do not have an Aadhaar card yet or do not remember your Aadhaar number, you can in any case download a fresh Aadhaar card by entering the Aadhaar Enrollment Number (EID). Follow the steps given below to download the e-Aadhaar card by enrollment number:

  • Visit
  • Click on the “Download Aadhaar” option. You will be redirected to
  • Enter your 28-digit Enrollment ID, and Security Code and snap on “Send OTP” to generate an OTP.
  • Enter the OTP received on your listed portable number and snap on “Check & Download”.
  • Now you can download electronic duplicates of your Aadhar card.

Aadhar Download Online: Instructions to download e-Aadhaar from DigiLocker account:

DigiLocker has teamed up with UIDAI to make it accessible to cardholders upon linking of DigiLocker account with Aadhaar. DigiLocker is a cloud-based platform for issuing, stocking, sharing, and verifying reports and wills in an advanced structure, electronic or e-duplicate in ‘computerized storage space’ distributed to residents to selected empaneled associations Makes you strong. Follow the steps given below to download Aadhaar from your Digilocker account:

  • Log in to your Digilocker account
  • Click on the “Sign In” button and enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number
  • Click on ‘Confirm’ to receive ‘OTP’
  • So enter the OTP received on your phone number
  • Click on ‘Check OTP’
  • The ‘Documented’ page appears. Download ‘e-Aadhaar’ using the ‘Save’ symbol

Steps to download e-Aadhaar through UMANG App:

To download Aadhar through UMANG candidates need to follow the simple cycle given below::

  • Download and open UMANG App
  • Click on “Aadhaar Card” under the All Administration tab
  • Click on “View Aadhar Card from Digilocker”
  • Log in with your Digilocker account or Aadhaar number
  • Hence enter the OTP received on your enrolled portable number
  • Click on “Verify OTP”
  • You can now download an electronic duplicate of your Aadhaar by tapping on the download symbol.

Get Aadhar Card Without Registered Mobile Number:

Without an Enrolled Versatile Number, you cannot get your Aadhaar on the web. You can follow the steps given below to get an Aadhar without portable numbers.

  • Visit the nearest Aadhar Focus with your Aadhar Number
  • Provide necessary bio-metric precision checks like thumb confirmation, retinal filter, and so forth
  • Apart from this, other personality verification like PAN and character card
  • So the concerned person at the center will give the printout of Aadhaar. A typical paper composition will charge Rs 50, while PVC customization will cost Rs 100.

Step by Step Instructions to Download Masked Aadhaar:

A hidden Aadhar card is like a normal Aadhar card. The main difference between the two variations is that your Aadhaar number is covered to some extent and only the last 4 digits of your Aadhaar number are noticeable. It points towards protecting your Aadhaar number from being revealed to other people. Your hidden Aadhar card is as valid as your standard e-Aadhaar. So follow the steps given below to download a fresh Aadhar card in the covered configurations:

  • Click on Connection
  • Select your Aadhaar Number, VID or Enrollment Number and enter the details based on the option chosen by you (Aadhaar Number, Enrollment ID, or Virtual ID)
  • So enter the security code and snap on “Send OTP”.
  • Select the ‘Secret base’ option
  • Hence enter the OTP and snap on “Check & Download” to download the hidden Aadhar card.
Useful Links:

My Bangalore Mart, HP Petrol Pump, Aadhar Card Appointment Online, Scholarship 2022-23, Phone No of Varun Dhawan, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review, Prime Minister of India List.

Instructions for Taking Print of E-Aadhaar Card Download Later:

You should enter an 8-digit secret phrase to open your e-Aadhaar letter. The secret phrase, therefore, includes the initial four letters of your name and an extended period of your introduction to the world. Later you download your Aadhar card in pdf design from the site of UIDAI you can print your Aadhar card on the web. So to check office status and Aadhar card download is available on the web.

A most efficient way to know your Aadhaar number on mobile:

To make your Aadhaar portable, you really want to follow the steps below:

  • Visit the official site of UIDAI
  • Choose what you need to recover – Enrollment ID or Aadhaar Number
  • Enter your enrolled phone number or email ID and view the security code
  • Now click on the “Send OTP” tab for further processing
  • You will get 6 digit OTP on your listed number
  • To enter “OTP” and snap the “Submit” button
  • then you will get the Aadhar number on your enrolled mobile number as an instant message

Points to remember:

  • You cannot download Aadhaar assuming that your portable number is not listed with UIDAI.
  • UIDAI sends OTP to the designated versatile number for verification before allowing Aadhaar PDF download.
  • So you cannot download an Aadhar card without OTP.
  • You can download your e-Aadhaar as many times as you want.
  • The downloaded e-Aadhaar can be used everywhere instead of your unique Aadhar card.
  • After downloading the Internet-based Aadhaar, it can be printed out by entering the secret word.

UIDAI gives the option to download fresh Aadhar card online using various biometric devices which are used to capture biometric information, for example, Aadhar card download by unique mark programming for PC, Aadhar card download from the face, And likewise to trade the requirement for genuine ID and to guarantee the security of the information of the candidates.

Also Read:- Link Mobile Number In Aadhar Card

Aadhar Download Online: Hierarchical Structure of UIDAI:

The DDGs were retained by Assistant Directors General (ADG), Deputy Directors, Section Officers, and Assistant Section Officers. Hence the Headquarters has a fully supported strength of 127 officers and staff including Records and IT Branches. So each one of the field workplaces is being headed by a Deputy Director General (DDG) and the support structure consists of associate chiefs, representative heads, field officers, associate section officers, senior records officers, bookkeepers, and individual staff.

Latest Updates of UIDAI Website Login:

UIDAI has come up with yet another application for Android and iOS customers to empower Aadhaar holders to download their Aadhaar card on a cell phone and keep it convenient. And The application is known as the mAadhaar application. There are two important areas in the latest form of mAadhaar application:

  • Aadhaar Services Dashboard: A single window for all Aadhaar online administration content for any Aadhaar holder.
  • And My Aadhaar Section: Personalized space for your Aadhaar profile.

To prevent misuse of Aadhaar numbers, (UIDAI login) the Unique Identification Authority of India gives an element to bolster their biometric data, for example, fingerprints and iris verification.

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