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Aadhar Card Print, Aadhar Card Status, Aadhar Download App


Aadhar Card Download:

The Aadhaar card fills in as both private confirmation and ID evidence. Later the fruition of the enrolment interaction, people can download the E-Aadhaar card from the authority site of UIDAI and print it for additional utilization. Your e-Aadhaar is a secret word secured electronic duplicate of your Aadhaar and is carefully endorsed by the power of the UIDAI. This electronic duplicate is just about as legitimate as the actual duplicate of the Aadhaar according to the Aadhaar Act. To Print Aadhar Card this secret phrase secured record, you want to visit:

आधार कार्ड निजी पुष्टि और पहचान प्रमाण दोनों के रूप में भरता है। बाद में नामांकन बातचीत के परिणामस्वरूप, लोग यूआईडीएआई की प्राधिकरण साइट से ई-आधार कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और इसे अतिरिक्त उपयोग के लिए प्रिंट कर सकते हैं। आपका ई-आधार आपके आधार का एक गुप्त शब्द सुरक्षित इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डुप्लिकेट है और यूआईडीएआई की शक्ति द्वारा इसका सावधानीपूर्वक समर्थन किया जाता है। यह इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डुप्लिकेट आधार अधिनियम के अनुसार आधार के वास्तविक डुप्लिकेट जितना ही वैध है। आधार कार्ड प्रिंट करने के लिए यह गुप्त वाक्यांश सुरक्षित रिकॉर्ड, आप यहां जाना चाहते हैं:

Download Your e-Aadhaar by Using Your Aadhaar Number:

In the event that you have as of now been given an Aadhaar Card and have your Aadhaar number, you can download your e-Aadhaar by following these means:

Link: on ‘Download Aadhaar’ Under ‘My Aadhaar’

  • Enter your 12-digit UID (1234/1234/1234).
  • Click the checkbox on the off chance that you need a veiled Aadhaar. If not, don’t choose the checkbox. Enter the manual human test given. Whenever that is done, either select ‘Send OTP’* or ‘Enter a TOTP’***.
  • Enter the OTP or TOTP details and click submit to download your e-Aadhaar.

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  • *: The veiled Aadhaar choice permits you to veil or cover your Aadhaar number in the e-Aadhaar that you are hoping to download.
  • **: Assuming you select this choice, a one-time secret key will be shipped off your enrolled versatile number.
  • ***: A TOTP is a brief one-time secret word that is legitimate just for 30 seconds. It is 8 characters in length and an extraordinary series of digits for every person. This number was created by the main server and the symbolic age application, which is the mAadhaar phone application for this situation.

Find out about the requirements to download an e-Aadhaar with an Aadhaar number.

Download Your e-Aadhaar by Using Your Enrolment ID (EID):

To download an electronic duplicate of your Aadhaar Card, you can likewise utilize your enrolment ID. The means to follow are:

  • Enter your 14-digit ENO.
  • Right close to the ENO choice, you will track down a schedule Select this schedule to enter the 14-digit date-time stamp that is imprinted on your enrolment slip.
  • Assuming you wish to download a covered Aadhaar, then, at that point, select the checkbox for the equivalent. Try not to select the checkbox in any case.
  • Enter the manual human test subtleties given.
  • Select ‘Send OTP’ or ‘Enter a TOTP’.
  • Present the OTP or TOTP subtleties.
  • Download your e-Aadhaar.
Aadhar Card Print

Download Your e-Aadhaar by Using Virtual ID (VID):

To download your e-Aadhaar utilizing your VID, these are the means that should be followed:

  • Enter your 16-digit VID number.
  • Select the checkbox in the event that you need a covered Aadhaar.
  • Enter the manual human test given.
  • Select ‘Send OTP’ or ‘Enter a TOTP’.
  • Present the OTP or TOTP subtleties.
  • Download your e-Aadhaar.

Download Your e-Aadhaar by Using Your Name and Date of Birth:

Assuming you don’t have or appear to have lost your Enrolment ID (EID), you can recover it utilizing your name, date of birth, and telephone number/email address.

When you recover your number, then you can download your e-Aadhaar. Here are the means to follow:

  • Visit “” Recover Lost or Forgotten EID/UID page on UIDAI’s site.
  • Select the button for ‘Enrolment ID (EID)’.
  • Enter your complete name as given when you have applied for your Aadhaar card.
  • Enter your portable number (guarantee that this number is the one you gave at the hour of enrolment).
  • You can on the other hand give your enlisted email address.
  • Enter the manual human test given.
  • Select ‘Send OTP’ or ‘Send TOTP’.
  • Enter the OTP or TOTP.
  • Then you will accept your EID.
  • Observe this number and visit the Aadhaar page.
  • Follow the means portrayed before under the making a beeline for ‘Download Your e-Aadhaar Using Your Enrolment ID (EID)’.

Find out about the means to download Aadhaar with name and date of birth exhaustively.

Download Your Aadhaar Card through mAadhaar App:

mAadhaar is the authority portable application for Aadhaar.

You can download your e-Aadhaar on the mAadhaar application and can access your Aadhaar at every point you really want.

This is the way you can sign into and download your mAadhaar on the application:

  • Sign in to the application.
  • Assuming that you have effectively added your phone number to your Aadhaar at the hour of enrolment, you can download your Aadhaar card.
  • You will get an SMS with an OTP on your enrolled versatile number. This OPT will consequently peruse by the application. Thusly, you can’t physically enter the OTP.
  • You can amount to three profiles (like those of your relatives) on one gadget, if all profiles have a similar portable number as their enrolled versatile number (I.e., on their Aadhaar).
Useful Links:

E-District Assam, IMEI Number Tracker Online India, FDA Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Typing Test For 10 Minutes, Form 49 A, My Individual Business.

Download Your Aadhaar Card through DigiLocker:

Another portable application you can use to download your Aadhaar card is DigiLocker. This portable application is by the Government of India and pointed toward achieving paperless administration under the Government’s Digital India segment.

Downloading your Aadhaar on DigiLocker is very straightforward. Here are the means to follow:

  • Download the application and sign in.
  • Select an accomplice and archive that you are searching for. Therefore this situation, it would be UIDAI.
  • Select the dropdown and snap ‘Aadhar’.
  • You will then, at that point, needed to enter your Aadhaar number and the OTP that will ship off your enlisted versatile number.
  • Once downloaded, your Aadhar card will show up under the ‘Gave’ segment of the application.
  • You can feel free to utilize this carefully checked duplicate of your Aadhaar card.

Note: To download your Aadhaar utilizing DigiLocker, you should initially ensure that you have enrolled your versatile number with your Aadhaar card at the hour of enrolment.

Download Your Aadhaar Card by means of UMANG:

Created by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and the National e-Governance Division (NeGD), UMANG is a stage taken by the Government to make e-administration versatile first.

This application allows you to get to e-Governance administrations from central, state, and local bodies and organizations across India. The application coordinated with computerized India administrations like Aadhaar and DigiLocker.

This is the way you can download your Aadhaar card on UMANG:

  • Register and sign in to your record.
  • Explore ‘All Services’ and select ‘Aadhaar Card’.
  • Therefore select ‘View Aadhaar Card from DigiLocker’.
  • You will diverted to the DigiLocker landing page. Register or sign in to DigiLocker.
  • So assuming that you are enlisting on DigiLocker, ensure your portable number has effectively enrolled with Aadhaar.
  • You would then be able to see your Aadhaar Card on the application by means of DigiLocker.

Step by step instructions to Print Your Aadhar Card:

Whenever you have downloaded your e-Aadhar Card, to print it, you should follow these means:

  • Your e-Aadhaar is a ‘pdf’ document. Thus, you should open it utilizing any pdf peruser (like Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Edge).
  • So enter the secret phrase. Therefore your secret phrase will the initial four letters of your name (in covers) trailed continuously of your introduction to the world in the arrangement YYYY.
  • For instance, assuming you go by Amith Kumar and your date of birth is 8/6/1984, your secret word will be ‘AMIT1984’.
  • When the document opened, select the ‘Print’ choice, pick the number of duplicates you might want to print, and hit ‘Print’.

Note: Make sure that your device connects to a printer. Assuming you don’t have a printer, so you can save the record on a versatile gadget or send yourself an email and print it from a PC associated with a printer.

Aadhar Card Print

Before you utilize any of these strategies to download your Aadhaar card, ensure that you have the necessary data with you.

FAQ’s on Aadhar Card Print:

From which site can an inhabitant download the e-Aadhaar?

Occupants can download the e-Aadhaar from

What is the e-Aadhaar secret key?

The secret key for the e-Aadhaar is the first four letters of your name in quite a while follow continuously you were conceived.

Also Read: PMKMY

Are there any charges demanded “Request Aadhaar Reprint”?

On account of ‘Request Aadhaar Reprint”, the charge is Rs.50 (comprehensive of speed post charges and GST)

On what programming would I be able to open the e-Aadhaar?

The e-Aadhaar can see on Adobe Reader. So you can introduce the product by visiting

Where would I be able to download the m-Aadhaar application from?

The m-Aadhaar application can download from the Google Play Store.

Useful Links:

My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, How to Link PAN Card With Aadhar Card, NSP Scholarship Amount, Actor Vijay Contact Number, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review.

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